Thursday, 25 February 2016


please don't forget to let me know if you are coming on one of these extra days and havn't told me yet!

DETAILS so that you can see DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES........

so here you can see different materials, cut and arranged in different ways. Some textured, some flat colour, some printed in flat colour or patterned. Some gloss, shiny and some even using Ritz cracker packets!
And varied shapes too.....

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Alphonse Mucha

I went to see this exhibition yesterday, at the Sainsbury Centre, and found it outstanding, well presented and providing  fascinating insight to the work of the artist. Finishing date is 20th March.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Three Things to do.......

have just popped into the Birdscapes Gallery at Glandford and the new exhibition has some good work in it. The theme is Concrete Nature, so wildlife in a city setting, plus some other work too.
If you are interested in Water colour then note two paintings by Darren Woodhead, who does not draw the image first and who paints big watercolours, from life, outside!
We enjoyed a very good lunch at the Golden Fleece on Wells Quay last week, and certainly recommend it......
and the Wells Textile and Embroidery Group have a sale of Craft Related Goods (that must be worth a look!) at Wells WI Hall, Church Plain, behind the YHA on Saturday 20th February, 10-3. There will be refreshments, homemade! free entry obviously......

Sunday, 14 February 2016


Life Drawing day, Thursday March 3th, 9.30-1.30 at Cawston Village Hall. (Note unusual times and venue) £40 and .....
Experimental Water Colour day Friday 4th March, 10-3.30 at Cawston Village Hall, £40.
Easy parking, and free tea and coffee, as usual.

PLEASE let me know asap if you would like to attend as I need to confirm the model I have booked and the venues, and time is short, thankyou......

and while I think about it please tell me if you find anywhere as a good venue for a Summer School (Summer!) Remember my criteria are, scenery, loos, under cover space, and cake. (Not neccessarily in that order.)

Benefits Officer Sleeping. 1995. Oil. Lucian Freud 
Red Amarylis. Water colour. Shirley Trevena

Thursday, 11 February 2016

RESULT, and all stemming from the idea of MOSAICS!

This element of the term's work has been proving to be more time consuming than expected, but here are some results at last, some not yet finished as you will see, and many more to come, but I wanted you to be able to see how a variety of ideas are progressing, and realise a bit more of the potential of this way of working.....

this is an example of Penrose Tiling, as I am sure you are aware!
and I hope you can see how diverse the response has been so far, how my remit is being interpreted!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Golden Section

we were discussing the Golden Section during the week. I won't explain it all here but if you want to know more then just 'google' the Golden Section, or Fibonacci, and you can then discover how this underlying design theory has been used over time by artists to plan their work to best effect, and how the proportions are found in Nature.