so this term's work is going to be all about Acrylic paint....and the subject matter, at first, is the bottle collection.
However soon I will ask you to make your own decisions about subject matter, and just to reiterate the ideas I have suggested here they are.....
1, An idea of your own, any idea you want to pursue.....
2, A simple still life, your objects or mine.....
3, The life of someone of interest, this idea inspired by the narrative work from last term. This could be extremely diverse, and certainly much more than just a portrait.....the names I mentioned, although remember these are only my suggestions, were Thomas Paine 1736-1809 political activist, and philosopher. George Edwards, 1850-1933, born Marsham, advocate of union of farm workers, politics. Nelson. Harriet Martineau, 1802-1876 social theorist, writer, socialist thinker. William Marshall, 1146-1219, soldier, knight, statesman. Donald Campbell, 1921-1967, world land speed records. Donald Trump!Darwin 1809-1882, any hero…..
but there are many possibilities.
4, or you could use a simple picture you like, perhaps an old Christmas card, and paint your own version, a number of times, as you explore the different acrylic techniques. You would not copy it, just use it as a starting point.