Sunday, 26 February 2017

Work from Hempton......

Work from last term finally finished, the asymetrical shape in the centre is a Wind Rose

This Week...

just to remind you that you will need fingers to paint with, and credit card, plastic and \or card to manipulate your acrylic paint.....and I will provide subject matter....
and if you are coming to our Water Colour Summer School,(yes I know its February) tommorrow at Marsham, just bring all your water colour stuff with you.....

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Sheringham Viking Festival.....

just to let you know that Paul and I will be donning our Viking gear to go to the Festival at Sheringham on Saturday........

Monday, 13 February 2017

Art of France.....

don't forget to watch this series on I Player if you missed it. Andrew Graham Dixon, BBC Four.....

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Spring Summer Schools......

The Drawing trip to Gressenhall Rural Life Museum Secret Superstore on 23rd march is going ahead.
The Life Drawing Day at Marsham on 17th March is going ahead.
The Splashy Watercolour afternoon on 27th February is probably going ahead, but could do with a few more subscribers.........

and more.....