Heydon |
How to do Chinese Brush Painting and therefore improve your own Water Colour technique on Monday 24th July at Marsham Village Hall, 10-3.30. Easy parking, bring your own lunch. Free tea and coffee all day. £30.
PORTRAITS. Study portraits, lots of help, with practice working from photos 10-12.30 then work from our live model 1-3.30. Tuesday 25th July. Marsham Village Hall. Easy parking. Bring your own lunch. Free tea and coffee all day. £35.
Three days working ‘alfresco’ at the pretty village of Heydon. NR11 6AD. Idyllic country village. Church, Pub, Tea (and cake) Rooms, Park, and pretty Cottages. 10-3.30
Wednesday 2nd August 10.00 start in tea rooms, for a day of helpful guided urban (but rural) sketching. Pen, and pen and wash, crayon, Water colour. Some new ideas on how to interpret the landscape about you…..
Continue at your own pace on Thursday 3rd August and Friday 4th August.
Enjoy the cafe or pub……Easy parking. £80 for three days.
£10 deposit secures your place, please let me know a.s.a.p to confirm bookings with venues and our model…..
Tina Sutton 01603 872441 tinasnorfolkartcourse.blogspot.co.uk