Friday, 31 January 2020

'Summer School'

On Tuesday 25 February I am running a day 'summer school' at Marsham. The theme is Water colour and Composition.
10-3.30, £30, free tea and coffee and biscuits. Please let me know if you would like to come as numbers will be limited!

some January work from Marsham.....

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Busy morning at Marsham......

we had a good morning's work at Marsham. Quick drawings, then intergating watercolour, and then pastel with graphite pencil for slightly unusual and textured results.......

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Wednesday drawing.......

and for tomorrow please bring the implements mentioned below, and several bits of paper as we will be working on a number of drawing\paintings.......

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Day school.....

...early notification that I am planning a day on Tuesday 25 February...
it will be vigorous water colour and composition .... 

at Marsham Village Hall, 10-3.30   £30, free tea and coffee, bring your own lunch......

please let me know a s a p so I can confirm the hall booking.....

Wednesday, 8 January 2020 one.....

Don't forget the Wednesday Marsham Group restarts on Wed 15, and I am teaching a lesson on 22, 10-12.30.
All Welcome, free to all present and sometime group members.
Drawing, water colour, pencil, pastels......
do join us, just please let me know if you will be there, re number of tables......