Thursday, 23 December 2021

Merry Christmas......

 just to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a non worrying New Year!


Saturday, 11 December 2021

Christmas Challenge.....

So here is the Christmas Challenge (mainly so that you can say to your relatives, 'O no I'm sorry I can't do the washing up as I must get on with my Art Homework!) 

A collage, (or set of collages) but of course it could be a painting, on a theme of climate change from what ever viewpoint you choose.....

The advantage of a collage(over a painting) is that, armed with your basic material of colour, texture etc you can move the bits and pieces about on a variety of colour backgrounds and in different ways to assess the visual impact....

Strong ideas can be laid out with subtlety, it can be much more than a polar bear on a diminishing ice flow......

Grayson Perry's work seems to me to be all about ideas, more than just how things look......therefore I think its ok to work in that way. There is no right or wrong, just playing with ideas and enjoying the moment.....

You can use absolutely any visual material, type or script, printed or handwritten, photos, plastic, sweet papers, your own art materials, in fact anything that gives the impact you might want. Try to keep an open mind about how you might make this work as you put your ideas together......

Here are some random photos I have taken of stuff on my table and in the conservatory which I might find useful, in their entirety or in part.....

New work......


New work from Mary, 2' square!