Here are a few of the pieces of work from last term. I'm afraid I have only taken pics of those up on walls, so if you come to a class where we haven't got any display space then sadly I can't show your work. So here we go then
this is work from Cawston and from Marsham, not really shown here to best advantage, but I hope you can get a general feel for how work has progressed this Autumn, and a feel for the gorgeous colours in these watercolours. The portraits are in water mixable oils, and one in charcoal, I'm sure you can see which one that is.
Don't forget about the new (ish) class at Cawston 1.00-4.00 on Monday afternoons, which will be portraits from life. And maybe you know someone who would sit for us? there is a token payment of £10, but that is only money, and how can that compare with the charm and banter of class members, and copious tea and biscuits to make for an enjoyable afternoon?