Monday 29 July 2013

Some Collage Landscapes.

Well last term we looked at landscape, and I hoped that the work produced would be more interesting than lots of the landscapes you see on any wall! And it certainly was, so well done all of you!!!!!
My crusade against the ordinary, boring and cliched continues as ever, and I have been so pleased with the work you have all done. I won't go into all the areas we have covered this term but will just mention that the finger painting you did resulted in gorgeous luxuriant and original art work, sadly my photos didn't do it justice so I havn't posted much of it for you to see, but the collages, based on the idea of CITY SCAPE came out via my camera much better. Two you can see above are Sarah's, and the orange sky one is Sue's, which( sorry  a little out of focus) though totally different grew out of the same element of the project, and I have included because it is just such an exceptional piece of work. You all know that I don't 'cherry pick ' the 'best 'work, but my limitation here was just that, unfortunately, most of my photos were too out of focus to be any good, but I will get that improved.  I will just reiterate the contrast we focused on, which was the difference between the COUNTRY, the organic landscape we all live in round here, in rural Norfolk, which you portrayed in oil paint, using your fingers to give an impression of the freshness and loose liveliness of nature, and the TOWN, full of angles and straight lines which lent itself to the medium of collage. I like this little quotation I came across recently, something like 'God made the Country and Man made the Town'.
If I had time I would go onto one of my current hobby horses, Man messing up the countryside and the town and in fact, the whole planet by stupid unthinking and destructive consumerism. If you want information read 'Ten Million' by Stephen Emmott, to quote..'if an asteroid was going to wipe out 70% of life on Earth we'd throw all our resources at it......' His message is that WE, not an asteroid,  are destructing in this way, yet we are doing nothing.
well thats enough for now, back soon.

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