Saturday 10 August 2013


...well you are used to seeing me in my tiny little blue car, (our cars don't have names, they are designated by colour, this means that when we buy a new one it obviously has to be a different colour from any others we have at the time) but with its M.O.T due this summer I decided that at thirteen, and with various bits dropping off it, corrosion and old age taking their toll, getting to the stage when lots of elements of it might need expensive mending and the decision made time and time again 'is it worth it?' I would bite the bullet and look for another to replace it. Well we looked at second hand vehicles and eventually came to the conclusion that a new Suzuki, in fact the updated version of the blue car would be best, because with a special offer at the moment, economic fuel consumption, lack of ANY ROAD TAX to pay, warranty, and NO WORRY (remember what the snow and ice was like in the winter?) it was really good value for what I need. So what do I need? really just a cart to put all my art stuff in, with a reliable engine attached, so here you are,    goodbye to the old faithful blue car

and hello to the red car, I hope it does as well as it's predecessor
see how shiny it is! and plenty of room in the back to fill with my art equipment!
So now you need to check whether I am at the Village Hall by noticing a red car rather than the blue one! 

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